Aminet 19
Aminet 19 (1997)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Jun 1997].iso
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Text File
186 lines
DFB_UserStats 0.1
Prowler / Cydonia
Released 11-Feb-1996
DFB_UserStats is a small door that is to be used with DFB [Dynamic File
Base] by Andrew Leppard and MAXs BBS by Anthony Barret.
There is nothing fantastic or 'gee-wiz' about this door, in fact it is
quite a boring door when you think about it. Its funtion in life is to let
your users list their personal DFB related data, such as their ratio,
uploads/downlaods etc.
About the only saving graces for the use of this door that I can think of
1) It lets you use MAXs auto-inserts meaning your user can have all there
information on the one screen.
2) The only other way for the user to find there information is to
actually go to the file base, still, how are they to find out how many
days left they have before their paid membership runs out ??
This door lets you do the above, and if there is something you don't want,
it lets you leave it out!
With all the above boring drivel over and done with, lets go and set the
door up. Ops, one last thing, the disclaimer.
The author of this programme takes no responsibility for any damage that
may occur whilst using this programme, be it physical/mental etc.
This programme is entered into the public domain as is! And the executable
may not be modified in anyway, whatsoever.
All rights belong to me, as the programmer of this programme.
(Did that sound profound enough to you ?? To bad if it didn't, also if my
bad gramar and spelling annoys you, tough. I am typing these docs out and
not worrying about them. It's not much of a door anyway).
You need to be using MAXs BBS and DFB as your file handler to be able to
use this piece of crap.
DFB_UserStats should work on MAXs BBS 1.52+ and since DFB requires
Workbench 2.xx+, I would hazard a gues that it requires that as well.
This programme works without too many problems on both my A1200/030 and
A2000/020. if you have any problems with the programme, I would, nah, want
to know about them!
There is nothing complex with installing this door, and if you have any
troubles with this part, you should not be running a BBS!
Besides this Doc, you should also have the following files:
- DFB_UserStats
- DFB_UserStats.text
- DFB_UserStats.config
They all need to be in the same directory! It doesn't matter what
directory you place them in, they don;t care, they are happy as long as
they are together!
To run this door, just use the normal MAXs execute door function. The
actual door is DFB_UserStats.
Ahh, variety is the spice of life. Now this is the only tricky bit in the
entire doc. [That's if you don't count falling asleep while reading it
that is].
After saying that, you shouldn;t have any troubles as long as you follow
what I say. Would I lie to you ??
You can create your own text file to be displayed, fab huh ? Why would you
want to do this ?? Why, so it matches the rest of your BBS Decour.
So, you have knocked up your text to be displayed, you can use MAXs auto
inserts [I hope so anyway]. Now what you need to do, is grab your
horizontal and vertical coordinates for where you wish the different
information to be positioned. The text file menu thingo you have should be
a replacement for the DFB_UserStats.text file that came with the archive.
Line What it is
1 Type of ratio system your BBS is using.
2 Users DFB number.
3 Total users on your System.
4 Users current access level.
5 Users daily time limit.
6 Days left for users membership to run out.
7 Users ratio for section 1
8 Users ratio for section 2
9 Users ratio for section 3
10 Users Downloads for section 1
11 Users Downloads for section 2
12 Users Downloads for section 3
13 Users uploads for section 1
14 Users uploads for section 2
15 Users uploads for section 3
16 Pause prompt position.
All the above should be self explanatory. And is what each line in your
DFB_UserStats.config is for.
I will just let you know that if the users membership days left = 0 [never
runs out] it will print 'Never' instead of 0. Also the pause position is
where the door will place the 'Hit any key to continue' prompt.
Here's the example config that is included in the archive:
Here is how it works in detail. The first two numbers are the horizontal
(line number) you want the selected informaion on, and the second two are
for the vertical (row number). They _MUST ALWAYS_ be 4 digits! So as you
see above, if it is on line 9, you must enter a line number of 09 etc.
If you do not want a particular thing printer out, leave a line feed in
its place, make sure there are no spaces in front of it!
That's all there is to it! Have a play and see what you can destroy ;)
I most likely will never add anything extra to this door, only if I am
bored. if I did, it would most likely be something wanky like let the user
list what files he has uploaded or edit his sent by line etc.
This is the first door I have ever written, heck it is the first programme
of any kind I have ever written :) And was proudly done in _ASSEMBLER_
Cool huh ? even though the code is most likely pretty shocking :)
Any bug reports or ideas for other doors are more than appreciated! I
already have a few more ideas, and i am currently in the middle of a
Remote User Editor for DFB.
You can get in direct contact with me by calling my BBS:
Twisted Dreams BBS (02) 6364990 +61-2-6364990 - 33.6k
Or any BBS that carrier CydoniaNET.
Future Dimensions (075) 5297457 +61-755-297457 - 28.8k
Lucid Dreams (02) 8889917 +61-2-8889917 - 14.4k
Planet X (02) 8322776 +61-2-8322776 - 28.8k
Syndicate (08) 3713553 +61-8-3713553 - 33.6k
(08) 2937467 +61-8-2937476 - 14.4k
Special thanks to Zenith/Frontier and Accolyte/Cydonia for there help.
Also greets to _ALL_ the demo groups in Australia. And to my swappers.
I must also apologize to Cydonia for releasing this door ;).